Delegation Service

By attending The smarter E Europe, you and your delegation have the opportunity to meet international stakeholders from across the world‘s most influential markets who are helping shape our energy future. Get in touch if you‘d like to find out more. We‘d be very happy to help you plan and organize your visit.

We provide delegations with a huge range of services

The smarter E Europe exhibitions are a wonderful opportunity for members of your delegation to share experiences with key players from the energy sector. What‘s more, your delegation will enjoy all the following benefits:

Flyer International Delegation Service

Target Groups | Multipliers

  • Ministries
  • Economic Development
  • Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  • General Consulates
  • Associations / Societies
  • Authorities


Ms Gaby Kubitza

Operations Manager The smarter E Europe

Phone +49 7231 58598-10
Fax +49 7231 58598-28

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