Solartechnologie im Fokus: Neue Tech-Trends zur Kostensenkung und Verbesserung der Funktionalität von Solarprodukten

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024

11:30 - 13:00Uhr
ICM München
Room 14 C

Die technologischen Fortschritte der letzten Jahre entlang der solaren Wertschöpfungskette sind beeindruckend. Zu den Innovationen gehören deutlich größere Wafer, neue Zelltechnologien, wesentlich effizientere Solarmodule, smarte Wechselrichter mit Managementsystemen, mit denen vollelektrische Hightech-Heime gesteuert werden können, sowie starre bzw. nachgeführte Montagesysteme, die weniger materialintensiv sind, schneller installiert werden können und den Anlagenertrag steigern. Diese Session gibt einen Überblick über die neuesten Technologien.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle Konferenzsessions in englischer Sprache abgehalten werden.

11:30 - 11:40UhrWelcome and Introduction

Dr. Harry Wirth

Director, Division Power Solutions

Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme

11:40 - 11:55UhrPV Cell & Module Technology Trends - Past, Present, Future

Molly Morgan

Senior Research Analyst


11:55 - 12:10UhrOpportunities and Developments in Balance of Systems

Joe Steveni

Research Analyst - Clean Energy Technology

S&P Global

Liam Coman

Solar Research Analyst

S&P Global

12:10 - 12:25UhrFinding the Right Inverters for Any Purpose

Arvid Bürkle

Head of Product Lifecycle Management

KACO new energy GmbH - A Siemens Company

12:25 - 12:40UhrPV Manufacturing in Europe: Discussing Ways to Realize Competitive Local Production

Dr. Peter Fath


RCT Solutions GmbH

12:40 - 13:00UhrFire Chat: What's Needed in Solar to Bring the Technology to the Next Level?

Helena Li

Executive President

Trina Solar

Die weltweit führende Fachmesse für die Solarwirtschaft
Mehr erfahren
Arvid Bürkle, KACO new energy GmbH - A Siemens Company

Head of Product Lifecycle Management


Head of Product Lifecycle Management, KACO new energy GmbH Arvid joined KACO new energy as Head of Product Lifecycle Management for PV string inverters in October 2023. Arvid had previously spend 12 years in different product management roles in the building technology industry. He had his first experience with the PV industry from 2008 to 2012, working for a machine builder for production equipment for PV module manufacturing.

Dr. Harry Wirth, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme

Director, Division Power Solutions


Dr. Harry Wirth, born in 1968, studied physics at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and at the Universitiy of Massachusetts, USA. He earned his PhD from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and from Fraunhofer ISE. From January 1999 he headed the R&D department of a specialty insulating glazing manufacturer. In 2005, he returned to Fraunhofer ISE to establish the group 'Photovoltaic Modules' and to conduct the setup of the PV Module Technology Center. Since April 2023, he is director of the division 'Power Solutions' Harry Wirth is author of the report 'Recent Facts about Photovoltaics in Germany' constantly renewed since 2011, author of the book 'Photovoltaic Module Technology' and inventor of more than 20 patents related to solar energy. Harry Wirth is board member of the International 'AgriVoltaics' Conference and Exhibition Series and of the AgriVoltaics Industry Forum.

Liam Coman, S&P Global

Solar Research Analyst

Liam Coman is a solar research analyst within the Clean Energy Technology research team at S&P Global. He researches the global PV inverter market within the solar supply chain. He works with suppliers to analyse trends, produce market forecasts and assess the competitive landscape of the solar inverter industry. Prior to joining S&P Global, Mr. Coman worked for an engineering consultancy specialising in environmental regulation and policy compliance. He holds an M.Eng in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering from Trinity College Dublin.

Molly Morgan, Exawatt

Senior Research Analyst

United Kingdom

Molly is a Senior Research Analyst in the solar PV team at Exawatt (part of the CRU Group). Molly oversees Exawatt's tracking and forecasting of PV module efficiency and architecture. In addition, she undertakes analysis of capacity, production and financial data for PV manufacturers. Molly joined Exawatt as an analyst in 2020 whilst finishing her studies. Molly has an undergraduate degree in Physics and postgraduate masters degree in Solar Cell Technology from the University of Sheffield.

Helena Li, Trina Solar

Executive President


Helena Li, Executive President of Trina Solar, is a highly experienced senior executive, who has spent more than thirteen years devoting to solar energy development since April 2011. She joined Trina Solar in September 2013 as Managing Director and Vice President for Asia Pacific and the Middle East, and served as Trina Solar's Head of Global Module business and Vice President of Trina Solar from 2019 through early 2022. Trina Solar is involved in the residential, industrial and commercial (C&I), and utility segments of the solar and energy storage markets. Helena oversees Trina Solar's all business units and markets in the three segments globally. Helena has also been tasked with helping Trina Solar position itself as a 'total solutions' provider for solar energy. Before joining Trina Solar, she worked for US semiconductor company Intel, possessing strong technical and global marketing background. She began her career in 1998 with Microsoft.

Dr. Peter Fath, RCT Solutions GmbH



Dr Peter Fath is a worldwide known renewable energy visionary. Starting from the early days of renewable and solar industry, he took the lead on the green energy transition with groundbreaking establishments, semi-conductor developments and integrated solar manufacturing facilities from polysilicon production to the end product - solar modules. Currently, he is the CEO of RCT Solutions GmbH - which works closely with investors, governments, and factories globally to establish solar manufacturing facilities by providing extensive owner's engineering services. He is also the Chairman of the Solar Equipment Machine Maker Group at the German Engineering Federation - VDMA (Verbandes Deutsche Maschinenbau Anlagen). Dr. Fath has held senior positions with multiple leading equipment managers, including Rena GmbH and centrotherm, and actively holds lectures on the topic of manufacturing technology in the photovoltaic industry at leading institutes including the University of Stuttgart and University of Applied Science, Ravensburg. He is also founder and director of solar research center ISC Konstanz, executive board member of European Solar Manufacturing Council - ESMC, one of the founding signatories of the The European Solar PV Industry Alliance. As a pioneer in the sector, he and his team shaped the solar industry, executing vertical and horizontal solar manufacturing facilities around the globe and helping the world to reach zero emissions targets. Dr Peter Fath has more than 200 publications, 15 patents, is board member of the world's most well-known associations such as the German Machine Maker Association, ISC International Solar Research Institute, and the European Solar Manufacturing Council. He is one oft he founding members of the European Solar PV Industry Alliance commissioned by European Union. Dr Peter Fath holds a PhD in Semiconductor Physics from the University of Konstanz. He studied Chemistry and Physics at the University of Heidelberg, Konstanz, IMEC in Leuven, and the IMT in Neuchatel. He speaks 3 languages, German, English and French. Since 2012, he is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten.

Joe Steveni, S&P Global

Research Analyst - Clean Energy Technology

Joe is a research analyst based in London in the S&P Global Clean Energy Technology team. He covers downstream solar PV in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. He also covers upstream analysis of the global PV Tracker and Floating PV markets, along with their respective annual reports. Prior to this, Joe graduated from Oxford University with an MEng in Engineering Science in 2022. Here, he specialised in renewable energy and thermofluids.

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Lin Sun, JinkoSolar

Head of Sustainability Development


Multi-lingual (Chinese, English, French) female leader with ten+ years' international professional experience in Asia, Europe and Middle East related to ESG, Project Management, Energy-sector Planning and Analysis, Liaison and Outreach in both private and public sectors (UNESCO, Deloitte, Jinko Solar, etc.). Lin Sun holds Sciences Po Paris master degree and Fudan Univ. Bachelor degree, known for results-oriented analytical methods that blend in-depth awareness of international affairs, business acumen and industrial sensitivity in renewables. During the journey in Jinko Solar, Lin Sun leads Sustainability Development Department in the headquarter, taking charge of managing and coordinating ESG, GHG-emission, 'Green transition' activities, in close collaboration with divisions in charge of Supply Chain, Operation, IT, Legal affairs as well as bankability such as project financing, scaling-up renewable and energy transition in various regions. Lin Sun had experiences in conducting market and industrial research that contributes to the green transition and sustainable development strategies. Lin Sun also acted as corporate representative to deliver speech and/or to participate in COP27, COP28, IRENA General Assembly, Sofia Economic Forum and other international summits for ESG and sustainability presentation, while as maintaining close relations with key shareholders in international and regional multilateral organizations, multi-development banks (IFC, EBRD, EIB, AfDB, ADB, etc.), research institutions and industry associations. In 2023, Lin Sun participated in EBRD annual meeting as business representative.

Gadi Hirsch, SolarEdge Technologies

Lead Analyst, Strategy Group


o Gadi Hirsch is the lead market and policy analyst at SolarEdge Technologies. A part of the strategy group, Gadi is leading the coverage of key market segments, technological trends and policies. He particularly focuses on European distributed energy systems markets - aimed at deriving key insights for business strategy formulation. He holds a BA in economics and has previously led economic analysis and management consulting teams.

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