Christian Wolff

Job Title
Senior Consultant

Christian Wolff works as a Senior Consultant in the Energy Transition department at Ramboll. He is a systemic process consultant and agile coach and has several years of project management experience in the energy industry. With a focus on power-to-X, hydrogen and innovative heat and power supply systems with low CO2 emissions, he develops, analyses and optimises sustainable energy systems. This includes scenario-based energy system planning for cities and municipalities as well as conceptual design and feasibility testing for the integration of PtX and renewable energies into existing systems. Sector coupling and the generation of green hydrogen as well as the analysis of its use with a focus on mobility and in the industrial sector are also increasingly becoming the focus of activities. Christian Wolff is involved in project management of green hydrogen planning and construction projects. Christian holds a degree in Energy and Process Engineering from the Technical University Berlin.

June 19, 2024Trends and Progress in Hydrogen Project Development

Europe’s Largest & Most International Exhibition for Batteries & Energy Storage Systems
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Katharina Eickelberg, Senior Vice President Global Communication & Sustainability from SMA Solar Technology AG
Renewable Growth vs. Sustainability: Can We Balance the Footprint?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 190 | Language: English

September 12, 2024

We speak with Katharina Eickelberg about sustainability in the field of renewable energies

Dennis Schulmeyer, CEO from LADE GmbH
AI-Based Energy Management: The Future Is Now

The smarter E Podcast Episode 189 | Language: German

September 5, 2024

We speak with Dennis Schulmeyer about ai-based energy management

Markus Emmert, Management Board and Head of Strategic Cooperations from German Federal Association for eMobility
Maritime Electromobility - Future or Madness?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 191 | Language: German

September 19, 2024

We speak with Markus Emmert about electrification of the maritime industry

Joint Session
The smarter E Europe Conference Opening Session: GET ENERGIZED: RENEWABLES 24/7

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 09:30 am - 11:00 am

ICM München Room 1

This is the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era, explained UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai last December. For the first time, the world community agreed to"transition away from fossil energy carriers" in order to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5° Celsius, sending a clear signal - also to investors. With a record deployment of 473 gigawatts of renewableenergy sources in 2023, we're on the right track, but we need to move faster, especially when it comes to expanding the required infrastructure such as grids, storage systems, and e-mobility. We will need sustainable solutions on all grid levels and in all sectors to meet the challenges of a renewable 24/7energy supply. How can the energy industry become climate neutral asquickly as possible? What challenges are utilities facing and how can they overcome them? Join us at our opening session, allow yourself to be inspired, and motivated to work towards a fossil fuel-free world!

Solar & Sustainability: All About ESG Considerations & Transparency along the Solar Supply Chain

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm

ICM München Room 14 A

As investors focus more on ESG criteria in the solar supply chain, the industry aims to enhance transparency, traceability, and reduce carbon footprint. This comes at a time of significant legislative change in Europe, with market access rules and the promotion of improved sustainability practices on the horizon.This session will discuss: How ESG considerations are impacting developers' procurement decisions How solar manufacturers along the solar supply chain are addressing ESG concerns Legislative requirements and industry efforts to increase transparency and sustainability performance Processes for certifying solar products with low embodied carbon

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