Christopher Lenz

Job Title
Business Development Manager
EnviroFALK PharmaWaterSystems GmbH

Christopher Lenz, born in 1994 in Limburg an der Lahn, developed an early interest in sustainability and energy efficiency. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Energy Engineering in 2019, specializing in hydrogen technology with a thesis on a large-scale hydrogen production facility in collaboration with Trianel GmbH. Completing his Master's studies in renewable energies in 2021, he focused on a multicriteria analysis for the hydrogen economy. Both theses reflect his profound interest in hydrogen technology. In 2022, he obtained the certification as a project manager from the IHK and assumed the role of a project manager at Trianel GmbH, making significant contributions to hydrogen projects. In 2023, Christopher became the Business Development Manager for Hydrogen Projects at EnviroFALK, leveraging his expertise to drive innovative and sustainable solutions in the fields of renewable energy and water treatment.

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