Olivier Bucheli

European Electrolyser & Fuel Cell Forum

Olivier is an entrepreneur in the field of efficient energy transformation. Just following his degree in Chemical Engineering in 2000, he created the fuel cell and electrolyser company HTceramix today known as SolydEra. He gained many projects in the field and actively contributed the programming of topics as Vice Chair of the Coordination Group in which role he also co-drafted the SRIA of the current Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Since 2010, Olivier acts as President of the European Electrolyser and Fuel Cell Forum EFCF, Europe's reference event for science and technology in the fuel cell and hydrogen world. In this role, he also co-edits since 2012 an annual Special Issue of 'Fuel Cell - From Fundamentals to Systems' published by Wiley.
In 2021, he joined ExerGo as Executive Chairman and lead successfully the company's seed financing round. In August 2023, he co-founded Adele Hydrogen, company developing and commercialising advanced alkaline electrolyser electrodes where he acts as Executive Chairman.

19. Juni 2024Welcome by the Organizer

20. Juni 2024Welcome and Introduction

21. Juni 2024Conference Closing

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