Dr. Alexander Budzinski

Partner Advisory
Grant Thornton AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Dr. Alexander Budzinski is a Partner in the Advisory service line and has a leading role in the Energy & Natural Resources sector focus teams at Grant Thornton in Germany and in the global Grant Thornton network. Alexander has been looking into the planned future of companies for many years in the context of company valuations and economic expert opinions. This planned future increasingly includes major transformational challenges on the road to CO2 neutrality.
Alexander's fields of expertise are
- Business valuations for all occasions and transaction-related advisory services
- Energy-specific valuation topics (generation, renewables, grid infrastructure and cleantech)
- Valuation of companies in regulated industries and of (regulated) infrastructure
- ESG-related valuation topics
- Expert opinions and analyses on complex economic issues (economic consulting)
- Expert opinions in judicial and extrajudicial proceedings and arbitration proceedings and in conflict situations (Dispute Consulting)

21. Juni 2024Impulse Lecture

21. Juni 2024Panel: Financing the Energy Revolution! How can we Incentivise Private Investment in the Hydrogen World?

Europas größte und internationalste Fachmesse für Batterien und Energiespeichersysteme
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