Jorgo Chatzimarkakis

Hydrogen Europe

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis is CEO of Hydrogen Europe since 2016. Before he was Representative of Infineon Technologies in Brussels and Member of the European Parliament (2004 - 2014) inter alia in the ITRE Committee (Industry, Technology, Research and Energy) where he could contribute to lay the cornerstone for the first and the second Joint Undertaking on hydrogen and fuel cells. In 2007 he was elected 'MEP of the year' by his colleagues of the European Parliament in the category 'Research and Innovation'. In 2015 he was appointed ambassador at large for Greece.
Mr Chatzimarkakis was born in Duisburg, Germany. He holds German and Greek nationality, a degree in political science from the University of Bonn.

19. Juni 2024Boosting the Creation of a Liquid European Market for Clean Hydrogen

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